Eco-friendly Protein Powder Packaging.

The protein powder and powdered supplement industry has grown significantly over the years as more people recognize the benefits of consuming a high-protein diet. However, with this growth comes an alarming amount of packaging waste that litters our environment and fills our landfills every year.

The powdered supplement industry faces an enormous challenge with regulatory pressures to reduce their environmental footprint and transition to more sustainable packaging solutions. Although many innovative and eco-friendly packaging solutions are becoming available, it is also crucial that these new materials used do not compromise the contents that are being held and ensure a safe product for consumers.

Traditional packaging used in protein powder products, including disposable plastic scoops is becoming a serious problem as it contributes to the global plastic pollution crisis. As a result, many protein powder manufacturers are now turning to eco-friendly packaging solutions which include  biodegradable and reusable materials for packaging. This not only helps to reduce waste but also promotes the brand's commitment to our environmental. This shift towards eco-friendly packaging for protein powders is also becoming increasingly important, as consumers are becoming more aware of the negative impact of single-use plastics on the environment and are actively seeking out products and brands which utilise sustainable packaging options.

Why do consumers expect sustainable protein powder packaging?

Consumers are becoming more aware of the negative impact of plastic waste on the environment and are increasingly seeking out products with more sustainable packaging options. Studies have shown that 65% of consumers globally actively choose products that are packaged with sustainable materials or in an environmentally friendly way.

The excessive reliance on single-use plastic packaging is causing significant harm to the environment, including polluting our oceans and endangering wildlife. Consumers are ethically motivated and have a desire to protect animal habitats, conserve natural resources and reduce their carbon footprint. Consumers are equally motivated to protect our natural environment not only for their own purpose, but are also mindful of the impact they are having for future generations.

There are also growing concerns amongst consumers on the dangers of micro-plastics on their own health and our environment. When plastic packaging breaks down into smaller particles it is called microplastics, these tiny particles leach into our food chain and as a result ingested by humans. Studies have shown that microplastics accumulate in the body and can cause long term health problems. These microplastics are also leaching into our environment which can disrupt ecosystems by affecting the behaviour and reproduction of animals.

Consumers are demanding that companies take responsibility for their impact on the environment by adopting more sustainable practices. Consumers are looking for more sustainable options because they recognize that their own consumption habits can make a difference in preserving the planet. In this way, sustainable protein powder packaging has become a key factor in the purchasing decisions of consumers who are looking to make more environmentally responsible choices.

By using eco-friendly packaging materials, such as biodegradable or compostable materials, protein powder manufacturers can demonstrate their commitment to sustainability, meet consumer demand, and reduce their environmental impact.

What are protein powder brands doing to be more sustainable with their packaging?

There are a number of different strategies that protein powder brands are employing to help reduce their environmental impact.

POST-CONSUMER RECYCLED PLASTIC – Protein powder packaging containers are typically produced using virgin plastic, however there are more PCR (Post-Consumer-Recycled) plastic options available on the market. By using post-consumer recycled plastic, powdered supplement brands can reduce the amount of plastic waste that ends up in landfills and oceans, reducing environmental pollution. The use of post-consumer recycled plastic also conserves natural, non-renewable resources such as oil. This concept of a circular economy encourages materials to be reused and recycled instead of being disposed of after a single use and contribute to a more sustainable approach to plastic production.

PLANT-BASED BIOFILMS – Plant based biofilms are plastics that are made from renewable feedstocks such as sugarcane, corn and potato starch. PLA (polylactic Acid), which is derived from primarily from corn or sugarcane starch is the most widely available bioplastic. PLA liners are commonly bonded to paper and used as a food-safe packaging pouch. This combination of materials is generally biodegradable, meaning they can break down into natural compounds in the environment. This can reduce the amount of plastic waste that ends up in landfills and oceans, reducing environmental pollution. We love that these materials can also be safely disposed of through home composting* or at an industrial compost facility. Another incentive of biobased plastics is they also have a much lower carbon footprint compared to traditional plastics as they require significantly less energy to produce.

DISPOSABLE PLASTIC SCOOPS – Many powdered supplement brands recognise that single-use/disposable plastic scoops typically found in packaging are wasteful and are not necessary. Many supplement users use a variety of products every month (including protein, BCAAs, pre-workouts, creatine etc). With millions of powdered supplement users, this can quickly amass to an alarming amount of single-use plastic scoops and waste. The good news is many powdered supplement brands are increasingly phasing out disposable scoops from their packaging and instead recommending using a tablespoon.

The problem with tablespoons is that every tablespoon, depending on the brand and country is a slightly different size and therefore not an accurate means for measurement. At Pro Scoop we recognise that scoops are a convenient and accurate way to measure supplements, which is why we designed the world’s first shaker bottle and built-in, REUSABLE scoop. Our bottles are a popular accessory within the supplement industry as our built-in scoop offers the convenience of a scoop, however without the waste typically caused by disposable scoops. Our scoop ensure supplement users can consistently and accurately measure their dosages on the go.


PROTEIN SOURCE – It’s worth noting that many supplement brands are introducing vegan protein powders into their product range as they are more sustainable than traditional whey protein / animal-based powders. Producing whey protein powder requires a significant amount of resources, including water, energy, and land. Whey protein powder is a by-product of the cheese-making process and dairy industry which raises concerns about animal welfare and animal exploitation. Vegan protein powders, on the other hand, often require fewer resources and generate less waste.

Many plant-based protein sources are grown using sustainable farming practices that reduce soil erosion and promote biodiversity. However, it is important to note that not all vegan protein powders are created equal, and it is still important to consider protein powder brands that use organic ingredients that are free from synthetic pesticides, fertilisers or any genetically modified organisms (GMOs). The most common plant-based protein sources include pea protein, brown rice protein, hemp protein and faba bean protein. Vegan protein powders are also usually packaged more sustainably than whey protein powder as the target market is more sustainably aware.

RECYCLABLE ALUMINIUM PACKAGING CONTAINERS – Some powdered supplement manufacturers are opting for protein packaging canisters that are made entirely from aluminium. Aluminium is highly recyclable and lightweight material that can be recycled numerous times without losing its quality or purity. Recycling aluminium creates a circular economy where the material is continuously reused without waste, reducing the need for new mining and extraction of raw materials.

Aluminium is also a very durable material and can often be used as a semi-permanent option, allowing supplement users or brand to refill and use the canister numerous times before being recycled. Another incentive of aluminium is that it is curb side recyclable making it an excellent choice for packaging whilst creating a circular economy.

RETURN DEPOSIT SCHEMES – A return deposit scheme, also known as a deposit-refund system (RDS), is a system that encourages consumers to return used or empty products, in this case empty protein powder packaging or containers. These are usually shipped and returned to a collection point, often the supplement manufacturer’s HQ, whereby the empty packaging can be cleaned, refilled, and reused. Alternatively, the supplement manufacturer can also send the empty packaging to specialty recyclers if they employ materials which are not curb side recyclable.

Customers are often incentivised with a small credit to return empty packaging to this collection point, or simply feel rewarded for reducing their waste knowing they’re contributing to a sustainable closed loop system. The purpose of an RDS is to promote the reuse and recycling of resources, reduce waste, and conserve natural resources. By incentivising consumers to return used products, RDS helps to reduce the amount of waste that would otherwise end up in landfills, waterways, or other areas where they can harm the environment.

PERMANENT CONTAINERS – Unlike single-use packaging, which is typically used once and then discarded, reusable, or permanent packaging is made from durable materials that are designed to withstand repeated use. An example of a permanent, reusable packaging for the protein powder market would be a glass or metal container. These are sturdy enough to withstand multiple uses and can be easily cleaned and sanitised between uses.

For this to work and be considered sustainable, supplement manufacturers would offer these containers as a one-off purchase, and then supply refillable pouches in a sustainable, paper-based or biodegradable pouch. These refillable packs need to be durable enough to withstand shipping, and once delivered can then be used to fill the permanent containers on hand. Furthermore, if there is an intention to supply a powdered supplement scoop, this should be a durable, permanent scoop which is supplied once and reused forever. Permanent, reusable packaging is a sustainable packaging method as it reduces waste, conserves natural resources and can be more cost-effective in the long term.

Why are protein powder brands excluding plastic scoops from their packaging?

Millions of powdered supplements are sold every single day. This US 12-Billion-dollar industry litters our environment with alarming amounts of unnecessary packaging waste. The good news is powdered supplement manufacturers are beginning to recognise this and are now phasing out plastic scoops from their packaging to reduce unnecessary plastic waste. While disposable scoops are a convenient measuring tool, there are a long list of incentives for powdered supplement brands to remove these from their packaging:

COST - By eliminating the need for disposable plastic scoops, powdered supplement brands can save money on manufacturing and packaging costs. This cost savings can be passed on to customers or used to improve other aspects of the product and business.

SHIPPING EFFICIENCIES- The weight of a disposable plastic scoop can vary depending on its size, design and material, however, in general, these typically weigh between 1 and 5 grams.

Although the weight of a single plastic scoop is relatively small in the grand scheme of things, it can still contribute to the overall plastic waste generated by supplement packaging. These disposable utensils are often sent in pallets in shipping containers, which when sent in bulk can quickly amass to hundreds of kilograms. A single scoop may not contribute much weight in a single bag of protein, however 100,000 scoops shipped to a warehouse can get very quickly get expensive. By eliminating scoops from your manufacturing process, there will be less moving parts in your supply chain which not only equates to monetary savings but also a reduced carbon footprint.

ASSEMBLY TIME - Removing disposable scoops from the packaging can simplify the assembly process, as there is one less component to include in the packaging. Assembly time is also reduced, which improves output and assembly efficiencies. There are also opportunities to reduce labour costs and machinery costs as fewer workers and machines are required to package these scoops. Removing the scoop from the packaging can also simplify quality control processes, making it easier for companies to ensure that their products meet quality standards and reduce the risk of contamination.

SUSTAINABILITY - Excluding disposable scoops from packaging can have significant sustainability benefits for businesses, the environment, and society as a whole. Businesses have a responsibility to operate in a way that benefits society and the environment. By reducing plastic waste and minimizing their carbon footprint, businesses can help to protect the environment and preserve natural resources for future generations.

Both businesses and consumers play important roles in promoting sustainability, however, businesses have a greater responsibility to be sustainable than consumers because they have a much larger impact on the environment. Powdered supplement brands and businesses who make the pledge to eliminate single-use plastic scoops and packaging waste can have a significant impact on our environment due to the size and scope of their operations, as well as their ability to influence consumer behaviour. Sustainable businesses who lead by example can in turn influence other businesses and industries to adopt sustainable practices, creating a positive ripple effect throughout the economy and thus our environment. 

BRAND IMAGE & CUSTOMER RETENTION - Sustainability is crucial for brand image and customer retention. According to recent surveys, 58% of supplement users prefer brands with eco-friendly packaging and sustainable practices. By promoting their sustainable practices, powdered supplement brands can enhance their reputation and build brand loyalty with customers who prioritize and are willing to pay more for eco-friendly environmentally responsible products.

As the future generation of sustainable-conscious consumers emerge, so must a brands willingness to adapt and shift towards a more sustainable model and mindset.

What challenges to protein powder manufacturers face?

Powdered supplement brands face a number of challenges when it comes to sustainability. One of the most significant challenges is sourcing sustainable packaging options that protect the product from moisture and air while maintaining its quality and safety. Paper-based packaging is synonymous with sustainability as it is derived from renewable resources and its ability to biodegrade. The challenge with these materials however is their porosity, sensitivity to moisture and durability when compared to oil-based packaging materials.

There is plenty of innovation and development in this packaging space, however sustainable packaging materials are significantly more expensive compared to traditional packaging materials. Renewable resources are harvested, new manufacturing equipment is needed, higher consumer demand and sustainable certifications all required to produce and certify sustainable packaging materials which attribute to these higher costs. In addition to the above challenges, Governments are also imposing regulations on industry to reduce waste and pollution and to transition to sustainable packaging. In Australia, there is a national 2025 APCO (Australian Packaging Covenant Organisation) target to ensure 100% of packaging is reusable, recyclable or compostable by 2025.

All of these considerations should be front of mind for existing and emerging powdered supplement brands. These challenges all need to be overcome without the impact to customer convenience and with minimal impact to their hip-pocket.

Convenience vs Sustainability:

There is an inherent relationship between sustainability and consumer convenience. Since the inception of cheap, plastic mass-production, our society saw an opportunity to produce disposable packaging which would cost very little to manufacture and offer a lot of convenience to consumers. We’ve become accustomed to this convenience and disposable packaging has become an intrinsic part of our daily routines and time-poor lives.

In the context of powdered supplement packaging, we addressed a number of sustainable alternatives that could be employed to solve this packaging waste crisis. This could involve consumers washing a reusable protein container, sourcing their own reusable scoop or tablespoon for dosing or even shipping their discarded packaging to a specialty recycling facility. All of these options require significantly more work than simply throwing out a disposable piece of packaging. The challenge is consumers have lived their entire lives with convenience, so we need to educate them on the importance of sustainability and how we can all play our part to reduce unnecessary packaging waste.

As we shift away from the convenience led culture, it is crucial for businesses to find ways of make their products and sustainability more convenient and accessible to consumers. As consumers are adapting to these changes we need to find packaging solutions that work for the environment and also consumer lifestyles. At Pro Scoop we recognised this relationship between sustainability and convenience which was the driving force behind our Pro Scoop shaker bottle development. Plastic scoops were traditionally seen as disposable packaging utensils, however we engineered these scoops into a reusable lid closure which is integrated into a shaker bottle and reused forever. The reusable scoop is readily available for consumers while powdered supplement brands no longer need to supply or rely on disposable plastic scoops. This is one example of how innovation can transform a ‘disposable scoop’ into a convenient and reusable shaker bottle. 

Ultimately, it's about striking a balance between sustainability and convenience that benefits both consumers and the planet. Consumers will always gravitate towards the cheaper, more convenient option, so we need to innovate and provide solutions that work for all parties and most importantly that doesn’t litter our environment. Consumers aren’t to blame, it is in the hands of industry to lead by example and provide sustainable options for the masses to adopt. 

*To be labelled as home compostable, a material needs to meet specific standards and certifications, such as the ASTM D6400 and EN 13432 standards, which test the biodegradability and compostability of materials under specific conditions. In Australia, a material is defined as home compostable if it meets the standards set by the Australian Standard AS 5810:2010. A material is typically defined as home compostable if it is capable of breaking down in a typical backyard composting system, which typically includes organic waste such as food scraps, yard trimmings, and other biodegradable materials.